In my last post we discussed the MegaCepts (the most important thoughts) of my book, Mega Thinking: A Simple, Powerful Process to Think Smarter and Make Better Leadership Decisions. First in the list of MegaCepts is the importance of thinking.
Let’s spend a couple of minutes thinking about thinking!
MegaCept #1: The importance of thinking
The human brain, and its capacity to think, is the most powerful and important capability for every person. It is the sole reason why humans stay alive! For centuries, hundreds of world-renowned philosophers, scientists, and leaders have acknowledged the importance of thinking via their wisdom and famous quotations. Why, exactly, is thinking important? Let’s take a look:
- Thinking defines us: Thinking is an innate capability of humankind. If properly applied (or not), it is a primary factor in defining who we are.
- Thinking educates us: Improved thinking is also learning, leading to better knowledge and wisdom on any topic. This is especially true for more challenging, complex, and technical topics.
- Thinking impacts our success: Your ability to think, and your actual application of thinking, will have a major impact on your success or failure in all aspects of your life, including personally, educationally, and professionally.
- Thinking has other personal benefits: Thinking provides other mental and emotional benefits, including higher confidence, better self-image, more complete self-fulfillment, and even increased happiness. Better thinking helps you get on top of any topic and manage it effectively.
- Thinking requires you to actively and effectively use your brain: Many, and perhaps most, people do not think as much as they should and could! Many literally don’t think at all on more complex topics. Even those who do think often think less effectively than they could and should. You need to turn your brain on, just like you need to turn your computer on.
- Thinking needs commitment and discipline: Thinking might seem complex and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. You can learn to think smarter, but you need to apply yourself. Using an organized and structured way to think—such as the simple yet powerful 4-step MegaCepts process.
Quotations about thinking from world authorities
One powerful and illustrative way to expand on the importance of thinking is to read what philosophers, scientists, and world leaders have said about thinking. My book presents over 100 quotations about thinking from many famous, respected people. Here are just of few of the insightful (and sometimes humorous) thoughts on thinking:
- “What we think, we become.”
Gautama Buddha: 563–483 BC. A monk, mendicant, and sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded - “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.”
Confucius: 551–479 BC. A Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history - “Nature gave man two ends—one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then, man’s success or failure has been dependent on which one he uses most.”
George Kirkpatrick: 1867–1937. American writer - “Thinking is the greatest torture in the world for most people.”
All the above tells us that thinking is important in multiple ways in our personal and professional life. In fact, it’s a “smart idea” to pursue “thinking smarter” as an essential and serious part of your life. Thinking smarter can also be fun. I strongly advocate both!
Thanks again for visiting! If you think my book, Mega Thinking, would have value for you, please visit this website in mid-October 2024—we’ll have a link ready, so you can purchase your copy on Amazon. And independent of your interest in the book I would love to hear from you about your questions and ideas. Contact me at And let’s have a coach and player chat!
Coach Dave